payment & contact us

If you have decide what you want to buy you can order by sms/bbm

Provisions :
-we use full transfer payment system
-prefer BCA
-sorry we dont service for booking system

Caroline Putri

0817 915 1630 / 2833CDDC

Resellers are welcome :D
Our  Location is in Jakarta, Indonesia 

Provisions for reseller :
1. grab photos from this blog
2. first order must 3 items, aftrewards no limitation
3.reseller price is a fix price no bargainning ( please ask for the price list we'll send it )
4.shipment fee is paid by customer ( we use JNE)
5.fill this format completely( if you are using bbm please send it in once enter)
*items order :
*receiver name :
*receiver address:
*receiver phone :
*sender name : (dropship)
*sender phone (dropship)
6.return is allowed if there's any mistake from carltons
7.items those have been bought can not be change or return
8.please enclose the transfer evidence such as photo or m banking information
9.if there is no order within 3 months then the reseller pice is not valid anymore

Regards, carlton bags


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g:
:h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n: :o: :p:
  1. helo. sy dri malaysia. brminat mau beli cambridge satchel , bisa pos nggak ? jika bisa sila ntar infonya ke :)

    1. sorry for the very late reply. ive sent email to ur address. please check thx :)

  2. baby zara postman masih g sis? minat beli
    kalau mash ada info ke email makasih..
